I love reading letters…. even if they are not mine! :p And it doesn’t hurt that they come in such pretty, handy editions.

I have just finally managed to finished Wolf Hall (after what was probably my third or fourth attempt in the last 6 years). The book is definitely not the one to be blamed for the past failed attempts, it was all my bad for being so easily distracted and lured away by other reads…..

So this time, with the help from the audiobook (and Ben Miles’ excellent performance!), we managed a home run! 🙂

Wolf Hall is certainly worthy of its place on the mantelpiece, that much I can say.

I look forward to reading more of Mantel’s work, and having her Mantel Pieces added to the shelves at this time is just one step in the right direction, I think.

Coming across the Thomas Travisano’s take on Elizabeth Bishop’s ‘life and worlds‘ was an unexpected but very much welcomed discovery. I have always had a fascination with Bishop ever since falling in love with her poem One Art. And from the opening pages I’ve started reading so far, this looks to be really promising.  

Didn’t expect to be buying books again so soon, but these came with very attractive discounts and so there wasn’t any need for much struggle. :p

2 thoughts on “What came in……

    1. It was the audiobook of the original Letters of Note I had listened to recently (not all, just the first few letters) that got my interest. Wish they had the Letters on Cats instead of the one on War, at the place where I picked these up!

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