Stockholm Public Library
Central Public Library, Vancouver
Bristol Central Library, UK
Rijksmuseum Research Library, Amsterdam

These are just a few of the beauties included in the 25 Most Beautiful Public Libraries in The World, according to the people at Flavorpill, a New York based culture guide blog. Incidentally, these are also the same people who gave us the 25 Most Beautiful Bookshops in The World sometime back earlier this year.

So, back to my question at the top. Has anyone here been actually checking out books from any one of these 25 public libraries? Or are any of these to be found anywhere within your easy reach? If your answer is in the affirmative, I do envy you!

As for myself, sadly none of these libraries are in any way within my reach. The only comfort I can take is that at least I have had the pleasure of visiting this one, which happens to be the No.25 on the list. 🙂

Taipei Public Library, Beitou Branch

A 20 minute train ride north of Taipei City will get you there. Beitou is actually a lovely little spa town, famous for its many hot springs. We were there for the hot springs actually, and stumbling upon the lovely library was truly a delightful surprise.  

The Xinbeitou Metro Station, which is within walking distance to the library.
View of the library from the main road.
The library's outer deck. It does look like a ship's deck, especially after the rain and the decks are wet.
The Thermal Pools

Guess that’s one down for me, and 24 to go ‘a-hoping-to-visit-someday’!
What about you? Which ones are you most hoping to visit someday? 😉

4 thoughts on “Has anyone been checking out from any of these…..

  1. Lucky you to have visited at least one of those libraries! They’re gorgeous! Imagine being able to check out your books (or work) at one of them! Alas, as nice as my library is–it is Nothing like any of these. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I can just imagine the joy of checking out books (or work, though I would probably be too distracted by the beauty and books around me to be able to get much work done! ;p) at one of these libraries.
      I was truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit at least one. 🙂


  2. Yes, one of these is mine! I visit the Vancouver Public Library’s Central branch usually about once a month and it is definitely just as amazing as it looks in the pictures. And it is always, always full of people. All of these libraries look great but I particularly like the Stockholm Public Library – I love the exterior!


    1. Looks like you are the truly lucky one here, Clare. 🙂 I had a feeling the Vancouver Public Library’s Central Branch was one of yours. How great it must be for you! I think it is one of my favourite of the whole lot. Love the exterior of this one, and the interior of the Stockholm one, hahaha. 🙂


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